2021-01-12T18:37:07-06:00 twixter -> twoxter -> twixt3r -> twIVter -> twixter (in typical movie sequal naming fashion). 2021-01-16T20:05:11-06:00 Reading the Go generic proposal started out feeling ok, but as the list of edge cases goes on and on, the felt less rewarding. 2021-01-19T19:19:58-06:00 As sketchy as Brave can seem at times, it supports IPFS now! The fact that we still end up relying on ipfs:// or ipns:// URI schemes is a bit funny, but hey, this is still great news. 2021-01-27T18:51:55-06:00 TIL unlike concrete, steel bridge surfaces will turn piled-up snow into ice, so don't attempt to challenge them with your bicycle. Ouch. 2021-02-12T19:35:11-06:00 三輪ちゃんと野薔薇は仲良くなりそうw 2021-02-13T14:36:16-06:00 They do make motorcycle helments with shark fins! 2021-02-26T20:10:38-06:00 The weather has finally warmed up. Snow on the streets are starting to melt away. No more worrying about slipping off while cycling. Makes you want to write some neat borrow-checked auto-formatted Rust. 2021-02-28T10:02:50-06:00 Total internal reflection is like light doing 全集中. 2021-03-02T20:32:14-06:00 Oh, you are saying Rust's const generics is basically C++'s non-type template parameters? I should have got that from their names, silly me! 2021-03-07T19:10:53-06:00 Did /Back Arrow/ just pulled a Euphemia on us? XDD 2021-03-27T19:22:56-05:00 All the synthesizer and other audio device videos contain some of the most interesting user interface demonstrations I've seen. 2021-03-31T20:01:06-05:00 Some pasta shapes are weird...Why aren't there fractal pasta? 2021-04-10T10:09:41-05:00 Using 2 49-inch ultrawides felt pretty great - they are a bit larger than I initially expected, and I kinda wished it is more curved, but it does feel pretty good. Now regular monitors feels too low for me. 2021-04-10T10:10:31-05:00 What a refreshing day - with drips of rain - not the cold and gloomy kind - but those that occur before something big about to happen. 2021-04-11T09:41:15-05:00 Was watching Wendy Carlos' video clips. Damn being a muscision from the 70s looked so damn cool with the huge synthesizer, VU meters, and reel-to-reel recorders. 2021-04-17T18:56:36-05:00 Saki always had the best personal episode XD 2021-04-17T19:06:26-05:00 Just realized Saki's VA also voiced Cure Summer! 2021-04-17T19:08:48-05:00 Just realized Saki's VA also voiced Cure Sunny! 2021-04-18T12:15:35-05:00 Imagine if VFs had light sabers... 2021-04-30T19:12:11-05:00 Was browsing online about Vespa recently and saw a pink Vespa LX 150 on the way back today. Damn does it look great - someday, someday. 2021-05-08T15:58:15-05:00 Whether this Wednesday was killer - it's like looking through a new pair of glasses 2021-06-04T18:50:15-05:00 I knew Bugzilla got its name from Godzilla, but TIL Jira did too XDD 2021-06-12T13:35:40-05:00 Axel Rose's tattoo looks like an Anime girl in the _Sweet Child O' Mine_ video XD 2021-06-13T20:48:06-05:00 I feel like I must have heard the riff from Iron Maiden's The Trooper in some Vocaloid songs before... 2021-07-17T09:59:11-05:00 3500+ unread entries. Is this what RSS bankruptcy feels like? 2021-07-31T08:58:27-05:00 Nothing works better than the shadow of a spider haning out fo your window when it comes to waking you up. 2021-08-10T08:01:07-05:00 Pebble、復活! 2021-08-13T07:47:45-05:00 In some sense a dehumidifier is just a miniture moisture farm. 2021-08-21T07:24:50-05:00 TIL I have the same dehumidifer as AVGN 2021-09-01T20:38:22-05:00 /me shivering at the thought of the day will come when people will use the word "quantum" the same way they use "crypto" now. 2021-09-06T19:00:24-05:00 /Blade Runner 2049/ is pretty good even compared to original 2021-09-10T07:45:39-05:00 don't you love it when you need to delibrately give the wrong tracking number to speak to an agent ::/ 2021-09-19T17:59:52-05:00 I think my pebble is finally about to die...the screen ribbon cable doens't seem to be well connected. 2021-11-06T19:47:58-05:00 Ah yesss, the good old feeling of being drenched in sweat in the winds of winter. 2021-11-06T21:06:10-05:00 My sleep scheule would finally return to normal tomorrow. Thank you daylight saving and I totally planned for this. 2021-11-20T09:26:55-06:00 It's a funny exerience having a hand warmer die in your hands when running. Half way through, I noticed that they have started to form hardened outer shell, and going cold. I cltenched my fists tigher, as if warmth is something that can be squeezed out like lemon juice, only to find that this made the beats and jumps of veins in my hands very noticable. However, it almost felt like the beating is from the hand warmers themselves. It felt like grasping on two living, beating hearts that gradually turns cold and drentched. Urgh. As the hand warmers continus to harden, I finally decided to take them out. I fumbled them around, trying to flatten these clumps shaped like an eaten apple, but it is at this moment I noticed that heat is starting again from all the fresh powder enclosed by the shell. Damn, just like phenoix reborn. It doesn't suit me to grief over the two little fellas' end of life anyways. They did last until I came home and I stowed them back into zip locks. One of those mornings would come and I would find them actually turn into cold, damp, bags of iron compound during my run, but not today, isn't that great? 2021-11-21T21:07:33-06:00 TIL those things are called chia pets. I used to have two of those things stuffed in linen bags. 2021-11-27T08:29:48-06:00 Today's sky was interesting. It started out as thick beams of blue-gray clouds, ending in the far end with a slit cut open by golden sunlight, not unlike the inside of a giant sea creature with its mouth open. A few starts I can't name were drizzled on the rib cage above, with a particularly bright one right beside the sunlight slit. The contrast of colors would resemble /The Colour and the Shape/, if only the smelting stroke of gold were to be toned down slightly. On my way back, however, the blue-gray gradually turned into aptly named fish-belly-white. It's almost like the creatured had been turned belly up, and the sunlight had finally penetrated its defence, revealing stripes of salmon-colored flesh, confusing me at the same time whether we were actually inside or outside its belly. Like the rubber that starts to rip apart on a ziplock ballon, the pinkish stripes gradually started to bleed into an unapologetic display of warmth and heat, overpowring all the man-made lights, include the occational planes and the premature display of Christmas lights on the trees. Yeah, that's more like how a day should begin. 2021-12-24T18:58:19-06:00 I Want A Hippopotamus For Christmas 2021-12-24T19:00:17-06:00 Someday I'll learn to play /Meaningful/ 2021-12-31T20:07:30-06:00 Crossing timezone is like budget time travel huh 2022-01-07T20:02:28-06:00 Grab'em, you earned it, my mind spoke. Standing in the front of three boxes of donuts, I hesitated. Technically the donut ban is 2020-only, so I'm not breaking any promises. It was late, no one was around. I've been eyeing the three boxes of donut since early afternoon. Aside from a jelly donut cut in half, only one other donut have been taken. I took three, a traditional white frosted one, one packing custard with jam on top that I thought was blueberry cake (the best donut ever), and a chocolete one. Packing the three donuts like a sandwitch between two paper plates, I swiftly moved to my desk. First bite was on the forsted one. Oh, nice forsting, but rather cakey, not the almost compresible airy bread-like quality I was expecting. Second bite, third, third and a half. It's really not as good as I remembered. The sweetness felt too artificial and was not limited to the forsting. If anything the forsting had a more natural sweetness to it. Whatever, I work out enough to justify this. Finishing the first one, I started the custard packed one. Realizing it's not blueberry cake was already a disappointment, but the custard also caught me off guard. The break like texture is there, but hampered by the dumpling-like structure. Custard filling has some weird pungent smell to it. The jam on top was ok, but too concentrated. Each bite were either weird mixture of dough and smelly filling, or a mouthful of jam. Not good, 2/10. The final chocolete one was bitter. Bleh, not taking a second bite. Either the donut industry needs some competition, or I think I'm spoiled by the taste of donut in my memory during the donut ban. It'll probably be a while before I have another donut. 2022-01-08T11:13:00-06:00 Ran over a frozen body of a rat today. Also ran past a huge cluster of pigeons picking off who knows what on the bike lane. 2022-04-15T14:52:08-05:00 Today it rained wither sleet or tiny hail. Felt like guliver in lilipute. Also the lake water was an uncomfortable teal color, or what ever people confuse as either green or blue. It must taste really bad I think. 2022-04-17T09:17:03-05:00 The bank building has funny looking spiral rotating vents. The day sure is bright today. I sometimes just close my eyes and feel the sunlight leaked from the tree shades or reflected from the water leaving dark red marks that jumps around on the back of my eyelid. Come to think of it, that's probably the real color of my eyelids huh. 2022-04-24T21:26:50-05:00 It feels like someone have been inflating his brain through his eye sockets. His temples felt pressured, and his eyes felt like they could popout any second. 2022-05-07T07:30:24-05:00 Urgh, running just feels great. The painful yet refreshing oxidazation of cells in my body. I can feel I'm exhauling carbon, water, my flesh through my mouth and nostrols. The taste of steel and rust deep down the throat shows that everything is real. I passed by some drone handler, without their drone. Hope they didn't lose it. Like wounds drenched in Hydrogen Peroxide, the bloody taste is gradually replaced by some weird sweetness, as if fresh air is acid. I can hear my foot pounding the ground, loud and clear, like my heartbeat. I feel like a celectial body, trading mass for momentum, using the chain of gravity to gain more speed, and leaping through the sky. The wind gets stronger, forcing my jacket to one side like a wacky inflatible ad. If I can still catch a breath, I'd be yelling We're gonna be free, for sure. 2022-05-07T19:15:45-05:00 /Sing the Blues/ would be cool stand name 2022-05-21T05:19:48-05:00 The solution to the multiple iDevice siri problem was to perform saturation attack by doing Hey Siri in quick successions. 2022-05-28T10:31:36-05:00 A shadow manipulator eating a large flare so that everything outside becomes the shadow. 2022-06-04T14:43:48-05:00 「漁港の肉子ちゃん」見った。関西弁めちゃかわいいやで〜全然人ないので映画館まるで貸し切りやった 2022-06-12T17:22:19-05:00 Breaking a plate means now I have to do the dishes more frequently than once a week now. Oh well. 2022-06-12T17:31:16-05:00 It's one of those days that it's so foggy that it feels like there are kaijus right behind the buildings, the top of which all covered in thick white clouds, yet still erriely bright in a way similar to old fluorescent light. It's also a windy day, which reminds me of the Guron episode in Ultraman Taro. Another weird thing that happened is a red-chested black bird pecked my head, three times even. As I tried to locate this little shithead, I saw it simply levitating roughtly three meters above me, riding the wind to stay afloat in the same location effortlessly, and chirping away. I did witness other victim so at least it's not like the elephant holding a grudge story - heck, it could even be different birds. Maybe they just find this amusing and fun as much as we do. 2022-06-25T11:50:43-05:00 Something in the room. A tiny shapeless cloud of annoyance. A buzzing fotress of irritation. I've only cought a few glimpse of its appearance, but was still unable to tell its exact size, nor its demands. At first I opened the window, hoping it'll go away. That proved to be the wrong tactic, as now I feel there are two of them. I'm on my nerves, ready to smack down whenever it appears but no clean hits so far. Well, not if you count hitting myself. Maybe it's time to turn on the AC. 2022-06-26T17:07:48-05:00 It was a fly and it's down the drain now. I was able to catch it in a napkin while it was resting on the mirror. Despite my original intent to smash it flat, it moved just enough to survive. Realizing this, I wetted its wings and washed it down the drain with hot water. I've read about drown flies comming back to life after being placed in salt that drained the moisture. I guess that means at least water does immobilize it. So far no sign of resurrection, so I think we're good. 2022-06-26T20:16:23-05:00 The upside down no swimming notice sign looks like a pirate's face with brokenheart shaped eye patch. 2022-07-02T10:24:12-05:00 Pirate of Clubcanotswim. Cells are pistons. Burning reveals the machine underneth. 2022-07-02T13:20:15-05:00 Pirate of Clubcanotswim. Cells are pistons. Burning reveals the machine underneth. 2022-07-02T13:22:05-05:00 The Cell Pistons makes a good band name. 2022-07-03T18:18:08-05:00 When sweat dry, it leaves behind a shell that makes your hand movements feel clunky. Areas around the forehead is additionally covered by either sand or salt that came out of nowhere. Upper lips, being rubbed against the front tooth constantly, started to develop bruses and some sticky substance that is a mix of saliva and fallen skin. A bath is all it takes though for everything to come clean again. 2022-07-04T10:48:06-05:00 There should be a manga that uses synthesizer brands and bands, like JoJo or Burn the Witch. 2022-07-04T20:54:35-05:00 There's no need to smash the cutlet, that only makes it thinner. Poking holes with fork does help. The kikoman panko are not gonna cut it I feel. Multi-dipping in beaten egg+flour makes the coating fall off more easily when steaming later. Placing cutlet directly above onion (which I hoped would prevent it from getting soggy) would also increase the amount of time for egg to cook, so not really worth it. I was worried about undercooking it, but it felt fine to use lower oil temperature and fry it for slightly longer. Too much heat would cause the panko to burn and become dark brown instead of the golden color we want. 2022-07-05T20:53:46-05:00 There should be an app that allows listening sessions - a playlist that saves your progress, and can be shared across devices or with other people. 2022-07-26T19:45:56-05:00 So this is how it feels like to have snailnet. Let's see if I can still hoot 2022-07-26T20:10:18-05:00 Funny that Youtube actually works pretty well. Much better experience than heavier websites 2022-07-30T10:34:15-05:00 The result of no alcohol beyond this point being taken too literally resulted in an increasing number of arguments on the river side walk. The solution was apparently to install actual alcohol blocking force fields at those locations, and replace the "point" in signs with the much more mathemtatically ambiguous "zone". Then again, you would see people pouring drinks onto those force fields and then lighting them up for a cool wall of fire effect or sneaking bottles of vodka past by throwing bottles of them into the river and then retrieve with fishing lines. The city management probably decided this was not a good idea, but the vein-shaped blood graph produced by someone drunk trying to force them through the force field was likely the nail in the coffin. 2022-08-04T18:40:11-05:00 Holy shit /Little Wing/...I get Jimi Hendrix now 2022-08-06T17:06:17-05:00 Sometimes I secretly pretend things separated by the prism in the viewfinders will actually be severed once you press the shutter - and the damage increases with amount of exposure - and that's the real reason why we need to focus. 2022-08-06T17:08:09-05:00 An parallel universe teleport that only works at fixed frequencies (say like 24 frames per second) feels like a fun concept. The wielder would also get twice the brain and muscle due to multiplexing between two worlds, and what might be an intense fight in one of them could be a silly person talking to themselves. 2022-08-08T23:26:50-05:00 Listening to new music feels like eating boiled broccoli at times. It's good for you, but also takes a while to chew. 2022-08-08T23:32:01-05:00 ブリジットかわいい 2022-11-05T12:56:17-05:00 Ahhh feels nice to be back at my station. 2022-11-20T21:07:27-05:00 Feet hurt :( 2022-11-20T21:14:12-05:00 The on-your-toe feeling, the unconfortable tingling sensation in your stomach, and the blood rush from panicking. I've checked the timeline hypercoordinates and things should not be this wrong. Unless somehow I'm able fix this myself. 2022-11-20T22:13:16-05:00 I feel I'm losing, what I used to consider, my "ego". The realization that things that I considered to be "me" are easily obtained with minimal effort kinda driven me to think whether I do certain things because I like them, or I only enjoy the feeling of being perceived as somebody that does certain things. "Being me" no longer has that kind of appeal to me, since I'm better at staying myself now, doing so 24/7 without breaking a sweat. 2022-11-27T15:17:22-05:00 The way night comes when day is done. 2022-12-31T15:57:35-05:00 Music player with sessions support, which are filter based play list generation coupled with bookmark system plus sync. 2022-12-31T15:59:17-05:00 2D shooter with customizable weapon, the firing fx of which is synthesized from the modules equipped. Ammo type for wave shape, envelope for firing pattern (spread or flame thrower or laser), and filter cutoff for optimal effective range. 2023-01-01T09:37:07-05:00 Holy moley everything outdoors is set to display HDR! That must have been an expensive upgrade for the machine running simulation. 2023-01-01T22:28:11-05:00 Maybe /Sightless Feline/ would make a good band name, thought I after taking another picture of an inanimate rodent. 2023-01-01T22:30:14-05:00 /Sightless Moggy/. There, instant class 2023-01-07T21:54:38-05:00 I kinda like square format tbh. 2023-01-07T21:55:54-05:00 Did you know that every DS-2 contains a piece of scrap from the Death Star II Mobile Battle Station? 2023-01-08T23:04:32-05:00 Ce n'est pas moi. 2023-01-08T23:05:24-05:00 Ceci n'est pas une photo de moi. 2023-01-12T22:15:25-05:00 rain fog brain frog 2023-01-14T21:08:37-05:00 How curious, a banana with a cross section that resembles a dog! 2023-01-25T20:36:51-05:00 ...of 25-50, above idiot but below moron... heh 2023-02-05T16:26:41-05:00 I guess that means I was meant to develop my own film after all. 2023-02-05T18:46:09-05:00 ooooo they are finally making a George Foreman movie - feels like it's gonna be good 2023-02-06T01:50:56-05:00 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Tietze_genus_2_colouring.svg ewwww 2023-02-10T20:05:27-05:00 Dinner time PreCure is back! Wow feels like time just started flowing again after it stopped at 2021 all of a sudden. 2023-02-16T20:48:14-05:00 Watching cars at crossroads during rush hours is fun. It's as if along with the much larger mass, the brains behind the wheels slows down so much that they behaive like herbivore dinosaurs: stopping randomly at unsensical places, bundling together at chokes, and only let out a grunpy honk once in a while, which once started, is then answered by many more, each gnarlier than the one before. 2023-02-19T09:39:07-05:00 Hmm /Where is My Mind/ by Pixies does sound like the pillows (minus the vocals, not a huge fan). 2023-02-19T09:55:25-05:00 St. Ranger/Sentai -> Stranger heh 2023-02-25T08:13:59-05:00 /Heaven and Hell/ from Black Sabbath sounds like a blend of all the /Young and Dangerours/ songs huh 2023-03-03T19:24:08-05:00 Fingers hurt from dropping the bicycle U-lock. Something smells good in the air though. Feels like bacon egg sandwich. Watching the cars and people waiting inline for the bridge to drop is a lot of fun and likely the closest I'll ever experience the stereotypical crossing the rail road scene in anime, only with a lot more cars. 2023-03-13T19:12:42-04:00 They thought about everything - but not this, haha! While clocks were moved forward 1 hour in the human world during the past weekend, how is it possible that the birds that are normally clamorously chirping also moved their schedule? There is but only one explaination, my dear Watson, and that is birds aren't real. 2023-03-13T19:18:45-04:00 Seeing people hauling around (frequently torn) large paper bags with expansive looking brand logos in and out of elevators makes me wonder if there is any better solution or if it was deliberatly targeted to expose those that aren't worthy in the designers eyes. 2023-03-14T19:51:59-04:00 Saw a bicycle equivalent of biker gang on the road today shouting and rear-wheeling through the red lights today, heh. 2023-03-21T21:55:32-04:00 Funny that the pocket MNT walkthrough mentions the keyboard being potentially an RGB bitmap. Someone should make an swipe unlock that utilizes the keyboard lights. 2023-03-22T21:14:11-04:00 It feels amusing and annoying at the same time that you realize something petty is getting to your head and makes your blood pumping for a second or two. It's like seeing a pet dog barking at thin air. It's pathetic in a funny way - or funny in a pathetic way and something you'd really want to get over with if it goes on for too long. 2023-03-28T21:02:51-04:00 Picked up /Smashing Pumpkins/ today. Sounds nice. Kinda like Killers doing 70s synth rock but without sounding repetitive. 2023-04-01T19:45:38-04:00 Damn SP is awesome 2023-04-01T19:47:58-04:00 In the middle of reading /I's/ this past week, the kiss from Izumi at the coffee shop is so H-O-T, hot! Felt like the most impact scene so far lol, even more so than the Xmas eve one. 2023-04-16T14:55:52-04:00 Found a new digital music store, qobuz. Seems to work pretty well. Its offerings are CD quality and up and has booklet, HQ cover images, and various formats. 2023-05-19T19:54:57-04:00 My attempt at a ST6 joke: Where does Ken live? Hoboken!